A couple of weeks ago, I was travelling back to Tennessee from Indiana. It was around 5 PM and we decided to stop and eat in Clarksville, Indiana which us just north of the river at Louisville. We hoped to let the rush hour traffic in Louisville clear before we went any further. We found a Texas Roadhouse restaurant at the Green Tree Mall. Our server told us that this was the very first Texas Roadhouse restaurant. We thought it was odd that it didn’t originate in Texas. After they took our drink order, I went to the restroom. When I was zipping up my pants, my boxers got caught in the teeth of the zipper. I could not get the zipper to budge up or down. I was standing at a urinal stall tugging at the zipper, but it was obvious that it wasn’t going to move. Fortunately, I was alone in the restroom, so no one saw me wrestling with my fly. I walked over to the mirror to see what it looked like. The material over the zipper was covering it up. It was not gaping open. I was confident that my lap would be covered any time that there was a possibility that it might gape open, so I returned to the table.
After the meal, I returned to the restroom before we left. I wanted to give the zipper another shot. I went into a regular stall so I could feel freer to move around as I worked on it, but I had no success. I never told the guy that I was traveling with about my problem. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything. When I got home that evening, I told my wife that I might need some help getting out of my pants. Then I told her about the zipper. I left her in our living room and entered our bedroom to see what I could do. The zipper was still jammed and low enough that I was able to slip out of my pants and boxers at the same time. Even with the pants off, I couldn’t get the zipper to budge either way. I took my pants and boxers to my wife and asked her to see if she could get it to move. She took less than two minutes before she gave them back to me and told me to throw them away. I returned to our bedroom to give them one last look. I grabbed the boxers and pulled on them to at least separate them before I threw the away. The boxers came right out and the zipper worked again.