For several years now I have listened to podcasts. Late in 2015, I started listening to Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast. I would highly recommend this show to anyone interested in old show business stories but isn’t offended by off-color language and humor. Any of my travel time in 2016 that I usually devote to listening to podcasts was devoted to going back and checking out every episode that has been released. I started out by listening to the first episode and continued in chronological order. I have become a big Gilbert Gottfried fan and as soon as I found out he would be playing at a club in Nashville in January of 2107, I knew I would have to go.
In the weeks leading up to the show, I was listening to more recent episodes of the podcast. One of the features he has on mini-episodes of the show is a “listener mailbag” where they review questions and comments from social media sites that have been made by listeners. While I would be more likely to comment on Facebook, I haven’t made any comments about shows because I have been so behind the actual release date. I listened to the most recent mailbag episode less than a week before the show in Nashville. During this episode, Gilbert talked about the fact that he prefers what he calls “incidental nudity” in movies nudity that is supposed to be sexy. He said his ideal type of nudity would be a naked woman sitting around doing her taxes. Another example was a naked woman on a ladder changing a lightbulb. In the process of talking about this, he mentioned an Elvis movie where a girl trips and you see her white panties. Gilbert didn’t know the name of this movie and threw out the question to the listeners to find out which one it is.
I have a lot of knowledge about Elvis related things but beyond a handful of movies, can’t tell you much about them. But Turner Classic movies had run a handful of Elvis movies one day while I was off around the Christmas holiday and I thought I remembered seeing this scene. I was able to go back and find a scene that I thought might be the one he was looking for in the 1969 film, “The Trouble With Girls”. I even found a YouTube video with the trailer for the movie that included the scene. I follow Gilbert on the page for his podcast on Facebook and I sent them a message telling them that I thought the scene was in “The Trouble With Girls” and sent them a link to the YouTube clip. I also mentioned that I was looking forward to seeing Gilbert in Nashville on Saturday. The co-host of the podcast, Frank Santopadre, sent me a message thanking me for the clip. He said he would forward it to Gilbert. He also said that when I am at the show to tell Gilbert that I’m the guy that sent the Elvis clip. After the show, Gilbert was at the door to sign autographs, pose for pictures and sell merchandise. While they were taking our picture, I told him that I was the guy that sent the Elvis video. He looked at me excitedly and shouted “THE TROUBLE WITH GIRLS!” I had made an impression on Gilbert.