One evening before my wife and I were married, we had been out on a date. We had been out to see a movie. When we I took her home, her family was not there. This particular night, she had not brought any keys with her and we were locked out of the house. This was long before cell phones so we didn’t have any
good way to contact anyone to see where they were. Her grandmother lived next door so we could go and check with her. It was late enough that evening that we knew her grandmother would already be in bed.
We finally decided that our first best option was to visit Granny. We walked across the yard to the door in her garage and knocked. Soon we thought we heard stirring inside but it appeared that she wasn’t in a hurry to get to the door. Eventually she was at the door but we didn’t see her. The door had a window with curtains that completely hid anyone on the inside. We saw the curtains moved back to reveal a pistol. There was no finger on the trigger of the pistol since it was being held by the hammer. The way she was holding it was less like you would hold a pistol and more like you would hold a dirty diaper. We were in more danger of the gun going off with her dropping it than her pulling the trigger. My wife shouted at the door, “Granny! It’s us!” She put away the gun and let us in. She told us that she didn’t want to shoot anyone, she just wanted them to know she had a gun.