Restaurants Thanksgiving

Krystal Dressing

One evening early in November of 2014, my kids had some guests at the house, so my wife sent me to get a 24 steamer pack of Krystal burgers. Krystal is a restaurant that sells small hamburgers with thin patties that are sometimes called sliders.  If you are familiar with White Castle burgers, Krystal burgers are almost identical with a thin patty and small bun dressed with pickles, onions and mustard.  You can also get them with cheese and on this night, our order was half and half. 


Thanksgiving Memories

My mother cooked all moisture and most nutrients out of all of the food she ever cooked.  Growing up, I was a skinny teenager probably due to some vitamin deficiency caused by their lack of presence in our meals.   I was never concerned about any diseases from undercooked food.  That would never happen.  There was always massive amounts of food at any meal but you could rest assured that it was always well done.

She enjoyed sausage for breakfast on many mornings.  The way she cooked them, they would have also served well as miniature hockey pucks.  I always enjoyed fried okra but was surprised when I ate it for the first time anywhere other than at home.  Mom’s fried okra was always cooked to the extreme where the corn meal breading was barely held on the pieces of okra that had were black or at least a dark green color.