True Stories

Little Green Apples

Several years ago, during a meeting at church, I had to go to the restroom.  As usual, I planned to wash my hands before I returned to the meeting.  A bottle of green apple scented hand soap was sitting next to the sink in the restroom. When I pressed the pump of the dispenser, a glob of soap shot past the open palm of my hand, hitting the front of my khaki pants, next to the bottom part of the zipper.  This is an embarrassing place to have a wet spot on your pants.  Because it was soap, it wasn’t going to fade was it dried like it would have if I had just splashed water on my pants.  Soap also has a thicker consistency.  This suggested that I had done something in my pants other than just wetting myself. Additionally, this soap had a strong, Jolly Rancher type green apple scent.  Attempting to return to the meeting as quickly as possible, I untucked my shirt trying to cover the spot on my pants. I couldn’t do anything about the smell.  I also sat at the back of the meeting room to draw less attention.  I was sitting next to a good friend.  I told him I had an accident.  I lifted my shirt to show him the spot.  He restrained a laugh.  I explained what happened.  Then I told him I felt like a green apple pervert.

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