Mexico Travel

The Pyramids of Mexico

Mexico City Airport

In October of 2003, I was traveling in Mexico on business.  Any other time that I had been to Mexico on business, I had traveled to a U.S. border town and crossed over for the day.  For this trip, we were supposed to travel into Mexico City.  I was traveling with two other Americans.  One was on the flight with me.  We were supposed to me the other man at the airport in Mexico City.  He worked for the company we were visiting.  He was going to meet us in the airport but we were unable to locate him.  The plan was for us to meet him and take a 2 hour bus ride to Santiago de Queretaro, a city that is northwest of Mexico City.  We waited for a while but finally decided to go on to the bus station in the airport.  But we didn’t know our way around the airport.  I don’t read Spanish but the guy that I traveled with did.  It didn’t matter.  We couldn’t find the bus station.  We were walking by a cab stand in the airport and I guess we looked a little too lost.  A man asked if he could help and we asked for directions to the bus station.  He asked where we wanted to go.  We knew better than to go with him but was very insistent that we go with him.  He promised he could take us wherever we wanted to go.  We were able to get away from him and we finally found the bus station.  We hadn’t found our third traveling companion but we decided to proceed on to our destination.