Dream about heaven
Andrea and I were in heaven. I’m assuming we died and went to heaven. It wasn’t like we got a free pass to preview heaven. We were there under what would be normal circumstances. I don’t know how we died. If I dreamed that part, I don’t remember it. And I assume that we died at the same time. Anyway, we were in a room that appeared to be like the lobby of a church but was about the same size as our living room. There were people milling around in that room and we could see people in a hallway outside of the room we were in. I didn’t recognize anyone there. We were sitting on the floor against a half wall. There were no chairs in the room. Apparently, there are no chairs in heaven. The walls were a grey color. And they were playing contemporary praise and worship style music. I don’t really care for most praise and worship music. I was not enjoying the music I heard. I was thinking “Who programs the music in heaven?”
Soon, the whole place transformed but not much. The walls changed from grey to a cream color. The music changed but the new music was still praise and worship songs and they weren’t better songs. And all the people in the room changed to a different set of people. I still didn’t know anyone in the room. But this time when the people changed, Andrea was no longer next to me.
Soon after this, I tried to locate Andrea. I ended up talking to her on the phone. I don’t remember if I called her, or if she called me. But I do know I was talking to her on a white, wall mounted, rotary dial phone. So, heaven has no chairs and white, wall mounted, rotary dial phones.