Poster Child

Going to the Mid-South Fair at the Fairgounds in Memphis, TN was a yearly trip for my family.  In addition to the rides, we would also visit all of the buildings with a variety of exhibits. In 1977, we were going though one of these exhibit halls when we came up to a booth with Jerry “The King” Lawler.  In addition to having one of the most popular television shows on Saturday mornings, Memphis Wrestling played to sellout crowds each Monday night at the Mid-South Coliseum, the arena also located at the Memphis Fairgrounds.  Jerry Lawler was their biggest star.  Watching Memphis Wrestling was a big part of my Saturday morning routine. While I had seen Lawler at live matches, this was going to provide a chance to meet him for the first time.

His booth was in a building that had fewer exhibits than most.  I was surprised that there was not a line to meet him. At his booth, I was able to meet him and get my picture taken with him. Next, they took the black and white Polaroid picture and blew it up to poster size. Lawler then autographed the poster.  My mom put this picture in a better frame than it deserved and hung it in my bedroom. At some point, my wife and I inherited this poster.  It is currently on display in our master bedroom.

At the beginning of chapter 15 of It’s Good to be The King…Sometimes, Jerry Lawler’s 2002 autobiography, he talks selling these posters at the fair that year.  One of his friends had this poster making equipment and arranged to have him do this at the fair.  This is also where he met his second wife Paula who was taking money and running the poster equipment. When I was getting my picture made with him, I never imagined I would be that close to an important event in his life.

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