I have recently started receiving several scam calls on my cell phone. Most recently, they left the following message in my voicemail:
“Ignoring this will be an intentional second attempt to avoid initial appearance before a magistrate judge or a grand jury for a federal criminal offense. Now this is the final attempt to reach you. To know your final case number and to speak to a federal agent, call back on 201-639-8895. I repeat, it is 201-639-8995.”
This is the actual number they left. I had received an identical message a week earlier from another phone number. They were persistent and left 3 messages before I blocked their number. I had a little time after I received this latest message and decided to give them a call back. I thought it would be best to try and not call them from my cellphone, so I called from a land line.
When they answered, a guy with what seemed to be an Indian accent said he was from the internal revenue service and asked how he could help. I said I had received a call from them about a case. He then identified himself giving his name and his badge number. I thought this would be good information to have so I asked him for his badge number and he told me it was 909452. Then I said I had missed his name and asked him to state it again. This is when he disconnected me.
I decided to call back. Another guy with the same accent answered. I told him my name was Seymore and that I had just been talking to another agent when my call was dropped. I told him I didn’t have a name, but I told him the badge number and asked him if he would connect me to this agent. He then asked me for my name and I told him it was Seymore Butts. He asked if the last name was spelled “B-U-Z”. I corrected him and told him it was “B-U-T-T-S”. He asked me to hold on while he connected me but my called was disconnected again.
I called back again. I told the next guy that I had called twice and my called was accidentally dropped. He asked how he could help me. And I said it was really important that I get with the officer with badge number 909452 because I didn’t want to go to jail. My call was dropped again. I tried to call two more times. Each time, I was dropped before anyone even answered. I think I made their do not answer list.