Tennessee Boxed Wine Enema

Tennessee Boxed Wine Enema was my first single release. It was released as a digital only format in 2012.  Inspired by an actual incident at the University of Tennessee in 2012, it is one of my most popular songs and videos. Links below will take you to the lyrics. ​The links directly below will take you to the song on popular streaming and downloading sites.


Tennessee Boxed Wine Enema

I’ve just heard about something that I’ve never heard of before
If you’ve heard about this it is something you cannot ignore
When they told me about it, I could not believe it was true
And it’s hard to believe ‘cause they told me it happened to you
Come over and see me as soon as you get out of the hospita
And tell me about the Tennessee Boxed Wine Enema

Can it be a red wine like a cabernet or a merlot
Or maybe a white chardonnay is the right way to go
Or maybe a rose’ or is it just really a waste 
To overlook price and to pick out a wine for the taste
Does it have to be fresh or can it have turned into vinega
To experience the joy of a Tennessee Boxed Wine Enema

Was this your idea or did you have an advisor
Who told you it helps you to pass a Breathalyzer
Did it make you feel good or did it jus make you feel funny
Did you do it for free or did you just do it for money
Did you do it just once or have you become a regula
To participate in a Tennessee Boxed Wine Enema

Do you use a bulb, a funnel or maybe a tube
Do you do it alone or do you have someone do it with you
Do you stand or you sit or do you lie down spread eagle
I know that some people will think that it should be illegal
You might call your congressman; might even call your Senata
If you want a law passed about the Tennessee Boxed Wine Enema

Art Wheeler © 2012

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Tennessee Boxed Wine Enema Video

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