A few years ago, I was at a visitation at the funeral home for a family member that I didn’t know that well. There were several family members there that I know I had met in the past but I rarely ever saw them so in many ways it was like meeting them for the first time. At one point, I found myself standing with my aunt and her daughter. They were among the few people there that I knew well. My aunt introduced us to one of her cousins that I had heard of but didn’t remember ever meeting. We were making small talk and someone asked him how he had been doing. He said, “I buried my wife earlier this year.” My cousin replied, “Well congratulations!” She thought he had said that he married his wife. I gave my cousin a confused look and her mother shouted her name. We quickly sorted out what had happened and were able to get a laugh out of the situation. That year for Christmas, my cousin received hearing aid batteries as a gag gift.