Time for a Break

I walked into the breakroom to get some hot chocolate. I hadn’t been at work that long, so it was to early for anyone to be taking a break.  The only other person in the breakroom was the temporary employee. She spent half of her day cleaning parts and the other half cleaning the breakroom… Continue reading Time for a Break

Corduroy Goes to the Doctor

My wife and I always read to our kids.  There are a handful of books that I remember reading to them that stand out.  When I read to them from an illustrated children’s Bible, my oldest daughter would always ask for the story of the wedding in Cana and my son enjoyed the story of… Continue reading Corduroy Goes to the Doctor

Categorized as Kids

Dating Disaster

I was going on a first date with a girl I barely knew.  This was the first time I had ever been to her house.  When I pulled up in her driveway, I saw concrete steps leading up to the stoop in front of the door.  There was a screen door in addition to the… Continue reading Dating Disaster

House Hunting Trip

I changed jobs in 1996 and moved to middle Tennessee.  The town where we were moving was about 4 hours from our home in West Tennessee. We only had two children at the time, but our daughter was only 2 and our son wasn’t even a year old.  We were going to spend a weekend… Continue reading House Hunting Trip

Meeting the Captain

I think it’s great that fast food restaurants hire people with special needs.  One of the places I go to regularly has a girl that washes the same place on a counter every time I’m in their store.  She never speaks but always smiles.  I’m all for programs that find places for people with limited… Continue reading Meeting the Captain

Birthday 2020

This is the 5th March that my wife has given me a birthday gift every day of my birthday month.  The main difference in this year’s celebration from previous ones was the COVID-19 pandemic coming into full swing in the middle of the month.  Plans for spring break travel and a party with lots of… Continue reading Birthday 2020

Categorized as Birthday

$5 Buck Box

In 2010, Taco Bell came out with a new promotion called the $5 Buck Box.  They promoted it as part of a tie-in with the NBA with commercials featuring Charles Barkley.  In the ads, Charles would say things like “There’s lots and lots in a five-buck box.”  The Five Buck Box was a good value… Continue reading $5 Buck Box

Social Distancing at Walgreens

As I write this story, we are in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Many businesses and institutions are closing, modifying their hours or limiting access to parts of their building.  Social distancing is a behavior to help reduce the risk of exposure for people when they need to go into stores, to work or… Continue reading Social Distancing at Walgreens

Vine on the Mailbox

At our previous house, we had a mailbox at the road next to our driveway.  When we moved to the house, it had the traditional style mailbox except that it opened on both ends.  That way, we didn’t have to walk into the street to retrieve the mail.  There was a flower bed around the… Continue reading Vine on the Mailbox

Crazy Co-Worker

NOTE: The names in this story have been changed. Once you read it, you will understand why.A few years ago, we had a new salaried employee start at work. I will call him Crazy Bob. I didn’t get to meet him until the end of his first week when I went to lunch with him,… Continue reading Crazy Co-Worker