Why The Three Stooges Scare Me

There are a handful of Three Stooges shorts that have scary stories.  When I was a kid watching these films, I saw them way more often than I saw any other horror movies.  They were just scary enough to introduce me to the pleasures of horror films.

Why Laurel and Hardy Scare Me

The best horror films also make us laugh.  Any time you go see a horror film that has a moment where the audience screams, it is always followed with laughs.  Many comedians have made horror/comedy films. Laurel and Hardy went into this territory with their film Oliver the Eighth.

Why Dana Andrews Scares Me

A few weeks ago, I saw the film noir classic, Laura for the first time. It is probably the film that Dana Andrews is best known for but I know him better for a handful of science fiction and horror films he made in the 1960’s.  My favorite of these is a British film called The Frozen Dead.

Our Experience with Epilepsy – The San Antonio Trip

I talked my first experience with my wife having seizures in my previous post. She didn’t have any issues until the end of that year as we prepared to visit my mother-in-law in San Antonio.  My wife and I had planned to travel with her brother and his wife to Little Rock, Arkansas on New Year’s… Continue reading Our Experience with Epilepsy – The San Antonio Trip

Johnny and Gina

When I was around 3 and 4 years old, there weren’t very many kids my age in the neighborhood that I could play with without crossing the street.  When I would go outside and play, I had imaginary friends that I told my parents that I was playing with. Johnny and Gina were their names. … Continue reading Johnny and Gina

Our Experience with Epilepsy – Round One

Let me start out by saying that epilepsy is no laughing matter. It is a serious condition that is hard on the people who live with it and the people that live with them. I don’t share this story because epilepsy is funny. I share it because my reaction to it is funny.

Categorized as Epilepsy

Where Were You When Elvis Died?

I’ve had many people share with me their story about where they were when they found out that Elvis died.  I’m sure that my story isn’t that much different from a lot of people who live relatively close to Memphis.  Here’s my story.

Categorized as Graceland