Johnny and Gina

When I was around 3 and 4 years old, there weren’t very many kids my age in the neighborhood that I could play with without crossing the street.  When I would go outside and play, I had imaginary friends that I told my parents that I was playing with. Johnny and Gina were their names. … Continue reading Johnny and Gina

Our Experience with Epilepsy – Round One

Let me start out by saying that epilepsy is no laughing matter. It is a serious condition that is hard on the people who live with it and the people that live with them. I don’t share this story because epilepsy is funny. I share it because my reaction to it is funny.

Categorized as Epilepsy

Where Were You When Elvis Died?

I’ve had many people share with me their story about where they were when they found out that Elvis died.  I’m sure that my story isn’t that much different from a lot of people who live relatively close to Memphis.  Here’s my story.

Categorized as Graceland

Travelling through Memphis on Elvis’ Birthday

I have made regular trips for several years to Graceland for Elvis Week in August. Graceland also has activities in January to celebrate Elvis’ birthday.  I have never visited Graceland during his birthday celebration. They don’t have anything that goes on during his birthday celebration that compares to the Candlelight Vigil experience.  It doesn’t attract as many… Continue reading Travelling through Memphis on Elvis’ Birthday

Draining the Pool

Several years ago when my kids were younger, we got one of those inflatable pools.  Our kids wanted to swim and we didn’t have a regular place for them to go that was very close to our house.  This pool was perfect for us for a season. Our whole family used it regularly. ​

Mowing the Yard

My son never liked mowing the yard. During the last few years of being at home before he moved out on his own, mowing the yard became his responsibility. Even though it was his job, he still needed to be constantly reminded to do it. I had hoped that he would decide when it needed… Continue reading Mowing the Yard

Categorized as Kids

Springtime in Cleveland

It was spring of 2007 and I was on a business trip in the Cleveland, Ohio area. It was the week before Easter and the weather was warm in Tennessee before we left. It was also warm in Cleveland when we arrived. I had checked the weather before we left Tennessee and I saw that… Continue reading Springtime in Cleveland