Halloween with Granny

As my wife’s grandmother got older, there were years that we probably should have supervised her a little more than what we did. This was probably most obvious the year of my oldest daughter’s first Halloween. We planned to take my daughter trick or treating at the houses of several family members and make our final stop… Continue reading Halloween with Granny

Categorized as Halloween

More Bad Cinema Club

Going to the movies in the early 1980’s was completely different experience than you get now. There were still drive-in theaters and small movie theaters that would show low budget and second-run films. There were lots of these films out making the rounds to these theaters. For me and my college friends, this created a… Continue reading More Bad Cinema Club

Writing Cosmetic School Graduation

While many of my songs are based directly on specific incidents, Cosmetic School Graduation is an exception. I have never fallen in love with anyone that cut my hair and I’ve never gone to a cosmetic school for a cheap haircut.  I’ve had several real life experiences that were inspiration for this song. This is the story… Continue reading Writing Cosmetic School Graduation

The Story Behind The Ballad of the Pennsylvania Swiss Cheese Man

I was on a business trip and the passenger in a car being driven by a very aggressive driver back in early 2014. I was surfing the internet on my phone to keep me distracted from the driving and I read a story about someone they called the Pennsylvania Swiss Cheese pervert.  In the suburbs… Continue reading The Story Behind The Ballad of the Pennsylvania Swiss Cheese Man