Boston Concert

August 15, 1978 marked the eve of the first anniversary of the death of  Elvis Presley. This would be the first time I would visit Memphis on August 15 that I remember but this first trip was not to attend an Elvis Candlelight Vigil. I’m sure the Elvis fans gathered there that year just as… Continue reading Boston Concert

McDonald’s Cheeseburger

My father was traveling through Memphis when I was a kid. As he was leaving Memphis he stopped at a McDonalds on Summer Avenue near the edge of town. He went into the store, went up to the counter and placed his order. He wanted a cheeseburger. A cheeseburger costs 65 cents. He told them… Continue reading McDonald’s Cheeseburger

Done With Diapers

It was a cold Sunday morning in February.  I was still in bed but my wife had already gotten up and was in the shower getting ready for church. I was drifting in and out of a state of sleep when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was my son. I rolled over… Continue reading Done With Diapers

Categorized as Kids

Christmas Communion

Among our family Christmas traditions is Christmas Eve communion. This tradition didn’t start until I was in college. At that time, the pastor at the church I grew up in started serving come and go communion and this tradition continues today. Even before this tradition started, we would go to my grandparents’ house on Christmas Eve.… Continue reading Christmas Communion

Wheeler Family Christmas Tree

I have fond memories of decorating the Christmas tree when I was growing up. We always used an artificial tree. This was not the realistic artificial trees that you see today. The branches of this tree had a green hue that was identical to the color of the green army men that I played with… Continue reading Wheeler Family Christmas Tree

Categorized as Christmas

A Child’s First Christmas

My oldest daughter’s birthday falls between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.  So for her first Christmas, she was almost a year old.  She was old enough that she would be able to appreciate getting toys. She would also be able to enjoy looking at Christmas decorations. My wife always decorated our whole house for Christmas… Continue reading A Child’s First Christmas