Writing 25 Year Ago

I’m writing this a day after the 30th anniversary of marrying my wife, Andrea.  A little over five years ago, our anniversary was approaching and I came up with the idea of writing a song in recognition of our anniversary.  I started with the idea of just describing some of the things that were normal… Continue reading Writing 25 Year Ago

Elvis Week 2015

“Excuse me, can I get a picture of your backsides?” I have to admit that this was an unusual request, even for Elvis week. You might expect that the reaction would be to call for the cops or at least a good slap in the face. But the four women to whom I made the… Continue reading Elvis Week 2015

Fifth Beatle

I’m not old enough to have been in the group The Beatles but I am old enough to remember them when they were still together.  I was almost 2 years old when they arrived in the U.S. for the first time.  I was 8 years old when Paul McCartney announced he was leaving the group. Meet the Beatles is… Continue reading Fifth Beatle

Categorized as Influences

Summer Jobs – More Snakes

When I talk about my college summer job experience and tell people that I crawled under houses for a pest control company, they usually assume that I encountered a lot of snakes. In all three years, I only saw one snake and I wrote about that in my previous post. I got to a point where… Continue reading Summer Jobs – More Snakes

Summer Jobs – Bugs

When I was in high school, summers were filled with sun and fun.  Many hours were spent in and around the pool. When I was in college, I worked for a pest control company during the summer for three years. I traded the poolside for the cab of a pickup truck and the crawlspace of… Continue reading Summer Jobs – Bugs

Newspaper Article

The following is the text of an article about me in the April 18, 2015 issue of The Jackson Sun: “Art Wheeler always tries to find an interesting perspective for the songs he writes. A member of Grace United Methodist Church, he writes, performs and records both religious and non-religious songs. “As far as religious music… Continue reading Newspaper Article

Categorized as Reviews

Talent Show Rules

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to help judge a talent show. I enjoy watching talent contests, especially when there is a possibility that some of the contestants may not be very good.  I enjoy watching American Idol during the audition episodes because this is when you get to see a lot of… Continue reading Talent Show Rules