Movie Decisions

It was late 1979 and I was a senior in high school.  Most weekends my buddies and I decided to go to the movies and there were a couple of films that we were considering. I was driving so I took the lead in deciding we would go to see Apocalypse Now. It had been… Continue reading Movie Decisions

Categorized as Movies

Elvis Double Feature

Elvis Presley’s last feature films that weren’t concert films were released in 1969.  Some people probably think I’ve seen a lot of Elvis movies in theaters.  I only remember going to the theater once to see any of these films. I don’t remember exactly when this happened, but my Aunt Della took me and her… Continue reading Elvis Double Feature

Gigantic Popcorn

When I was in high school, my friends and I went to the movies a lot.  Almost every weekend, we went to see something.  Part of this experience was getting popcorn and a soft drink.  I liked getting the biggest popcorn and drink they offered.  This was in the days before they had the combo… Continue reading Gigantic Popcorn

Categorized as Movies

SOS from the USS Sunshine

Overnight on the third evening of our cruise to the Bahamas, my wife was awakened by my voice coming from the bathroom of our cabin.  “Can someone come help me!” was the plea that she heard.  I wasn’t yelling, but I was speaking in a voice louder than what I usually use. She got up,… Continue reading SOS from the USS Sunshine


My parents encouraged me to learn how to play a lot of different instruments over the years.  At some point, I picked up a harmonica. This came natural enough that I would play it at churches with my cousin Sammy accompanying me when we performed at churches.  Another instrument that I got around this time… Continue reading Fingerpicking

Guidance from Don and John

After I started writing a few songs, I had a chance to play some of them for a couple of friends who were professional musicians. Don is a professional piano player who has accompanied many well-known artists.  He was also one of my mom’s piano students when he was first getting his start.  He suggested… Continue reading Guidance from Don and John

Birthday 2023

In keeping with my tradition, I’m sharing this list of gifts that I received from my wife for my birthday month.  I admire her creativity in her diversity of items on the list.  I help her along with suggestions, knowing that she is going to do this each year and trying to steer her to… Continue reading Birthday 2023

Categorized as Birthday

Mom on Sharps and Flats

Starting in high school and though college, I had more opportunities to play at weddings and other events where I had to play songs on piano where I wasn’t just accompanying myself singing.  Sometimes these were instrumentals where I could cheat and play in a more comfortable key.  Other times, I was playing for someone… Continue reading Mom on Sharps and Flats