I have recently started receiving several scam calls on my cell phone. Most recently, they left the following message in my voicemail: “Ignoring this will be an intentional second attempt to avoid initial appearance before a magistrate judge or a grand jury for a federal criminal offense. Now this is the final attempt to reach… Continue reading Dealing with Scam Calls
Attack of the 50 Foot Blog
Mother’s Day with Montel
A few years ago, we went to eat lunch at a restaurant on Mother’s Day after church. Only my immediate family were present, so it was my wife and our three kids. We were at a family style chain restaurant. The hostess seated us with my son and I on one side of the table… Continue reading Mother’s Day with Montel
Moving to the Mountains
In 1996, my family and I moved to a small town in middle Tennessee. I had been working in this new town for a couple of months before we were able to relocate the whole family to our new town. I had been staying in a hotel while starting the new job. On the day… Continue reading Moving to the Mountains
You Are A Loser!
When my kids were little, they would sometimes sleep over at my parent’s house. My girls would sleep with my mom and my son would sleep with my dad. During one of these sleep-overs, my son had gas. He was breaking wind regularly and my dad was trying to talk him into stopping. I’m sure… Continue reading You Are A Loser!
Bucket List
I have written several posts about my wife walking and talking in her sleep. Some of the more interesting things she has said like this had to do with times around when she had seizures. Nearly all these stories have taken place before our kids were born. They haven’t had the pleasure of being entertained by… Continue reading Bucket List
Feel of the Wall!
When my wife wakes me up in the middle of the night, it’s rarely for a good reason. One night she woke me up shouting “Feel of the wall!!” I was sound asleep and wasn’t sure what she had said so when I asked she shouted again, “Feel of the wall!!” I assumed that she… Continue reading Feel of the Wall!
2018 Birthday Gifts
This March, my wife helped me celebrate my birthday every day during the month. My birthday is on the 23rd but she gave me a gift every day. For several years, I have declared that I was celebrating my birthday all month but this year and the previous 2 years, she has given me a… Continue reading 2018 Birthday Gifts
Picture on the Wall
My wife has a reputation for doing and saying things in her sleep. This story took place in our first house. It was before our children were born. My wife has some nice cross-stitched pieces that she had done that were based on Norman Rockwell works. We had several of these hanging in our bedroom. … Continue reading Picture on the Wall
My wife doing something interesting while she was asleep has never been an every-night experience. But this story also takes place in our first apartment which we lived in for about a year. This particular night, we went to sleep as usual. She didn’t do or say anything special before I fell asleep. She didn’t… Continue reading Nightgown
My wife and I were still in that first apartment when I had my next encounter with her doing things in her sleep. She had a very nice pair of diamond earrings that someone in her family had given to her as a Christmas gift. She was very careful not to sleep in these earrings.… Continue reading Earrings