If you follow me on Facebook, have read my birthday related blog posts or subscribe to my newsletter, you might know that I celebrate my birthday all month during March. My birthday is actually on March 23 but for several years, I have declared that I was celebrating for the entire month. This consisted of using my birthday as an excuse… Continue reading 2017 Birthday Gifts
Attack of the 50 Foot Blog
In Trouble in Second Grade
Here is the short version of the story: The only time I ever got a spanking in school was in second grade for talking during sleeping period. Now the long version.
Chinese Airport Security
Back in 2006, I was traveling for business in China. I had been in a city called Xiamen for a week and was traveling back to Hong Kong before coming back to the US. This was one of the last legs of a two week trip through Asia. I had gone through several different security… Continue reading Chinese Airport Security
Eating At Subway
I have a cousin that is several years younger than me. He was probably a pre-teen when my wife and moved back to our hometown. My wife was the news editor for the county’s weekly newspaper and covered everything including wrecks, fires, government meetings and sports. We would go to most of the high school… Continue reading Eating At Subway
Go Ahead, Make My Day
One evening before my wife and I were married, we had been out on a date. We had been out to see a movie. When we I took her home, her family was not there. This particular night, she had not brought any keys with her and we were locked out of the house. This… Continue reading Go Ahead, Make My Day
Playing Taboo
Several years ago, before my wife and I had children, a couple that we knew invited us and several other couples for an evening of games. This group of couples had gathered before for game night. Bunko was the game of choice on previous nights. One night the game of choice was Taboo. Taboo is… Continue reading Playing Taboo
IHOP Revisited
We showed up at the IHOP after church expecting nothing different from any other visit to IHOP. We arrived a little later than normal so we had to wait to be seated. I went to the hostess station and she asked how many. I said two. Then she asked my name and I told her.… Continue reading IHOP Revisited
Eating With My Family After The Show
In my previous post, I talked about a recent trip to see Gilbert Gottfried in Nashville. I didn’t mention that my wife and kids went with me to this show. Because my youngest daughter was traveling back to school after the show, we were staying in Nashville for the evening. We decided to grab a bite to eat… Continue reading Eating With My Family After The Show
Meeting Gilbert Gottfried
For several years now I have listened to podcasts. Late in 2015, I started listening to Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast. I would highly recommend this show to anyone interested in old show business stories but isn’t offended by off-color language and humor. Any of my travel time in 2016 that I usually devote to listening… Continue reading Meeting Gilbert Gottfried
Country Fried Steak
Over the years, my family and I have occasionally eaten at IHOP on Sundays after church. IHOP isn’t the only restaurant like this where we eat on Sundays. Most of the time, we eat at home on Sundays. But this story takes place at a time when we were eating at IHOP more often. … Continue reading Country Fried Steak