You probably already know that I go to the candlelight vigil at Graceland on August 15 every year. I started going back in 2002 and have gone every year since then. People-watching is the primary reason for my trips. While I am an Elvis fan, I don’t think I am the typical fan that you… Continue reading Writing Elvis Week
Attack of the 50 Foot Blog
The Best Order for Watching Star Wars Movies
As I write this post, I am wrapping up watching all of the Star Wars movies. I watched the movies in episode order because it was part of a study and the book we were following guided you through the films this way. As we were beginning this study, I saw some articles that claimed to have… Continue reading The Best Order for Watching Star Wars Movies
Public Restrooms Are Experiments In Technology And Organization
Several years ago, I was travelling for business and I didn’t feel very good. I was driving back home and was in the car by myself. I think I had eaten something during the trip that did not sit well with my stomach. I didn’t really feel sick. I wasn’t having to make any emergency… Continue reading Public Restrooms Are Experiments In Technology And Organization
Watching Purple Rain
On Friday July 27, 1984, my girlfriend (now wife) and I made our way to the Malco Theater in downtown Jackson, Tennessee to see the first Prince film, Purple Rain. This was the opening weekend for the movie. While I liked Prince, I wasn’t a huge fan. I didn’t have any of his albums in my… Continue reading Watching Purple Rain
Corn on the Cob
My wife’s grandmother was at one time a good cook. I know this because my wife has told me this. I do not have firsthand knowledge of this fact because by the time my wife and I started dating, Granny was not a good cook. The first time I ever remember eating at Granny’s house… Continue reading Corn on the Cob
Watching American Idol
As American Idol comes to the end of its final season, I decided to consider who are the top ten stars that the show created. These are the artists who had fame beyond the show. I am ranking them in the order from most to least fame. Strictly my opinion, share your thoughts in the comments.
Songwriting and Technology
Several years ago, I had an opportunity to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. One of the things that I enjoyed seeing is the notebooks that the songwriters used when they were working on their songs. It made me think about the different methods that I use when I’m writing songs. I wish… Continue reading Songwriting and Technology
The Jawbone of an Ass
Every year, I celebrate my birthday every day of the month during March. My actual birthday is March 23rd. Most years the real celebration is sometime around my actual birthday and the rest of the month I accept all gifts, well wishes, cakes, balloons, pats on the back, hugs and kisses that I can get.… Continue reading The Jawbone of an Ass
Another Shopping Story
My two oldest children are 17 months apart in age. When they were small, we owned a double-wide stroller that we used for them whenever we went shopping. We made one of these trips specifically to buy a new coat for my oldest daughter, May, who was the only daughter at the time. We made… Continue reading Another Shopping Story
8-Track Memories
In January of 1978, my friends and I started getting out on weekends to spend time together. We would occasionally go to the movies, go bowling or visit an arcade. Most of the time, we would ride the streets of our little town in search of girls to talk with. During this time, an 8-track… Continue reading 8-Track Memories