First, want to let you know that I take my Christian faith seriously. I believe that Jesus has made a significant positive difference in my life to the extent that I would want that for anyone and everyone that I know and meet. That being said, I think that there are ways that we Christians… Continue reading Ineffective Evangelism
Attack of the 50 Foot Blog
Breathecast Review of Six Minutes After Seven
Many societies have survived without gas, electricity, literacy and modern technology, but no society has ever existed without stories. Integral to our human ontology is the need for stories. It is often a challenge for us to learn from the abstract but truth comes alive when it is donned in narratives. Stories have a way… Continue reading Breathecast Review of Six Minutes After Seven
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is the time of the year when the Christmas story is the most real to me. I remember as a child riding home from my grandparents’ Christmas Eve celebration and looking up at the sky searching for Santa’s sleigh. They lived in the country away from the lights of our town and the… Continue reading Christmas Eve
Holiday Greeting Song
I remember as a kid, we would occasionally get Christmas cards that had the phrase “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings” on the front. We would receive these cards from family members that I knew were good Christian women. I never thought of these phrases as potentially offensive to Christians. But it seems like we have… Continue reading Holiday Greeting Song
Making the Electric Jesus Video
When I decided to do a promotional video for Electric Jesus, I wanted to wait until the Christmas season to get footage of yards decorated with blow molded nativity scenes. I also decided I might like to purchase my own Electric Jesus to feature in the video. Jackson, Tennessee has a lot of shopping options… Continue reading Making the Electric Jesus Video
Writing Electric Jesus
It was the Christmas season and I was driving through in my neighborhood with some of my kids on the way to church. I saw an old blow molded nativity scene in one of the yards and the phrase came to me: “Shine on Electric Jesus! Shine on!” This was the start of writing this… Continue reading Writing Electric Jesus
Thanksgiving Memories
My mother cooked all moisture and most nutrients out of all of the food she ever cooked. Growing up, I was a skinny teenager probably due to some vitamin deficiency caused by their lack of presence in our meals. I was never concerned about any diseases from undercooked food. That would never happen. There was… Continue reading Thanksgiving Memories
Prayer Service
I spend a lot of time working with the music ministry of the church that I attend. I sing in the choir, play bass in the praise band and sing many of my religious songs during our services. I occasionally fill in leading singing or playing the piano. I also get called on for the… Continue reading Prayer Service
Halloween Costume Capers
The Halloween party for my fraternity was approaching during my freshman year of college. One of my best friends and I decided that we would go to the party dressed as a couple of the members of the administrative staff of the school. We selected this couple because of their distinct appearance. He was going… Continue reading Halloween Costume Capers
Why Karen Black is a Little Creepy
I was in sixth grade in the spring of 1975 and television was becoming important. This was when we could only get three channels and everyone was watching the same programs. If you weren’t watching the same programs that everyone else did, you weren’t able to participate in the discussions of the “cool” programs. It… Continue reading Why Karen Black is a Little Creepy