Earlier this week, I went to eat lunch at one of the local Chinese/Japanese restaurants. This restaurant is close to where I work. It is also my family’s favorite place to get sushi so I am there often. Because of the threat of an ice storm, I was wearing a heavy coat. I was also… Continue reading Japanese Elvis Week
Attack of the 50 Foot Blog
It’s Gonna Rain Video Notes
I have talked about writing It’s Gonna Rain in a previous blog post. When I decided to do a video for this song, I turned to my son for help. He was in charge of filming and editing all of my live action videos including the ones for Arkansas and Electric Jesus. I decided to replicate the construction on a very… Continue reading It’s Gonna Rain Video Notes
4-H Chicken Shack Notes and Video
I have written in a previous blog post about one of my 4-H experiences. For a couple of years in high school, I participated in 4-H as a member of a crop judging team. I spent a lot of time learning how to identify different types of seeds. I spent very little time learning how to evaluate hay… Continue reading 4-H Chicken Shack Notes and Video
Graceland 2013
This year has been one of the hardest years for me to come up with a way of approaching my annual trip to Graceland. In recent years, I have had some idea of an approach that I wanted to take before I even left home. This year has been full of distractions. Other things seemed… Continue reading Graceland 2013
Graceland 2012
Before I left town, I stopped off at the bank. I thought I recognized the teller as a lady that had gone to Lambuth when I was there. I decided that it was not her and that it could possibly be her mom or a much older sister. Definitely not someone my age. When she… Continue reading Graceland 2012
Graceland 2011 or Old Women Falling Down
This was the tenth consecutive year that I have gone to the candlelight vigil at Graceland. You might think that I have some sort of ritual that I go through before I leave, but it really varies from year to year. There have been years when it was vital that I purchase tires before I… Continue reading Graceland 2011 or Old Women Falling Down
2010 Graceland Trip
“Oh! This is nice! Louie!!” She looked around the store with a dead look on her face. Finally Louie shows up and she shows him the life size cardboard cutout of Elvis. “Wouldn’t this look nice in our living room?” Louie replied “actually it wouldn’t.” It was a rare moment of honesty that you don’t… Continue reading 2010 Graceland Trip
2009 Elvis Week Observations
When you’ve been to Graceland for the candlelight vigil 6 years in a row, you don’t expect trip number 7 to have any firsts. You think you’ve seen it all. This one had several firsts. Here is a list: First time to write my name on the wall. First time to go on the trip… Continue reading 2009 Elvis Week Observations
2007 Elvis Week Essay
“Hi! This is Art Wheeler. I will be out of the office on August 15th and 16th in observance of the 30th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley. Thank you very much.”
2006 Candlelight Vigil Observations
As I prepare for my annual trip to Graceland, I looked through some old stuff. Here are some notes on my annual Graceland trip I forwarded to friends back in 2006. You no longer have to pay to park in the official Graceland parking lot. The Graceland Crossing souvenir mall is now called “Elvis After… Continue reading 2006 Candlelight Vigil Observations