Favorite Christmas Movies

I consider myself to be a movie lover.  There are a handful of movies that I consider my absolute favorites that you would think I would watch them on a regular basis that I can go for years without watching.  But I always watch my favorite Christmas movies every December.  This is not intended as… Continue reading Favorite Christmas Movies

Watching The Room

For a long time, I have been a fan of cult films and movies that are considered “bad”. I am always looking for bad films that I haven’t heard of before. A few years ago while looking at the CNN website, I saw a link to an entertainment article that said “A Room with a… Continue reading Watching The Room

Categorized as Movies

Christmas Traditions

Our family Christmas traditions have changed over the years. Ever since I was a child, my family would always go to my mother’s parents’ house on Christmas Eve. This tradition continued until my grandfather died.  The last 3 years he was alive, I lived about 4 hours away from my grandfather. My wife and I… Continue reading Christmas Traditions

Watching Purple Rain

On Friday July 27, 1984, my girlfriend (now wife) and I made our way to the Malco Theater in downtown Jackson, Tennessee to see the first Prince film, Purple Rain. This was the opening weekend for the movie.  While I liked Prince, I wasn’t a huge fan. I didn’t have any of his albums in my… Continue reading Watching Purple Rain

Categorized as Movies

Bad Cinema Club

I have always enjoyed watching movies.  I am a fan of the horror movies.  When I started to college in 1980, it was a great time for fans of horror movies.  Halloween and Friday the 13th had been recent successes and many of the film studios and independent producers tried to piggyback off of their… Continue reading Bad Cinema Club