Remembering George Klein

George Klein is the first radio DJ whose name I remember knowing. He was a DJ on WHBQ, the most popular AM radio station in the part of the country where I grew up.  This was at a time when people listened primarily to AM radios because that was about the only thing around.  WHBQ… Continue reading Remembering George Klein

Categorized as Influences

The McGuire Twins

The McGuire Twins were in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the world’s largest twins.  Most of the pictures of them in the record book showed them riding motorcycles.  When I was growing up, we thought they were riding minibikes, but I think they were just that much bigger than the bikes they… Continue reading The McGuire Twins

Categorized as Wrestling

Jackie Fargo Vs. Al Greene

When I was growing up, I was a big fan of professional wrestling.  I watched the wrestling program from Memphis every Saturday morning.  At that time, professional wrestling was divided into territories and Memphis was one of the most successful areas.  The star of Memphis wrestling was Fabulous Jackie Fargo.  He was known for his… Continue reading Jackie Fargo Vs. Al Greene

Categorized as Wrestling

Haunted Cemetery

When I was a senior in high school, a story started about a local cemetery.  The story was that there was a chair out next to one of the tombstones and an old man would come out at sit next to his wife’s grave.  The cemetery was out in the middle of nowhere, located next… Continue reading Haunted Cemetery

Buffet Etiquette

On a recent trip with my wife to visit my youngest daughter, we ate at a breakfast buffet. When we were being seating, the waitress informed us that they did have bacon on the buffet and if there wasn’t any when we got there, they were cooking more.  Then the waitress told us that someone… Continue reading Buffet Etiquette

Writing Seven Times Seven Times Seventy-Seven

The song Seven Times Seven Times Seventy-seven is based on The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant in Matthew 18. The title of the song comes from Jesus response to a question from Peter. Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven… Continue reading Writing Seven Times Seven Times Seventy-Seven

Neighbor Video

My song Neighbor is one of the most complex projects from my album Speaking in Tongues.  It has five vocal parts that I overdubbed 4 times each during the recording.  I wanted to put together a video for this song that would feature me singing each of the parts. I searched for easy to use software that would… Continue reading Neighbor Video

Shingles Shot

Things you should know before you read this story: I work with a lady named Shonna Sharpe. My employer offers flu shots and other vaccinations as part of their health plan And for best impact, this story should be read aloud.