Statement of Faith

My wife, children and I lived in middle Tennessee for three years in a small town called Livingston. My youngest daughter was born while we lived there. We attended the First Methodist Church in the middle of town. Early in our time there, I joined their choir. I quickly became of their go to people for… Continue reading Statement of Faith

Categorized as Performing

My First Year of Band

I have always been musically inclined. My mom was a piano teacher when I was born and continued to teach music throughout much of my childhood. Naturally, we had a piano in the house. I learned to play piano by listening to my mother teaching her students. While I can read music, I play primarily… Continue reading My First Year of Band

More Dirty Santa

In a previous post, I’ve talked about playing Dirty Santa at a Christmas party.  I suggest that you look at this previous post if you don’t know the rules of the game. The Dirty Santa game became a staple of our department Christmas parties. Each year we would push the limits even more on what… Continue reading More Dirty Santa

Categorized as Christmas

Dirty Santa

In previous posts, I have talked about Christmas gifts at work. “Dirty Santa” gift swaps became a staple of the department Christmas parties we had several years back. For those of you unfamiliar with how these swaps work, the rules are simple. Each person brings a wrapped gift. There is usually a targeted dollar amount for… Continue reading Dirty Santa

Categorized as Christmas

I’ll Be Home For Christmas

In my previous blog post, I talked about Christmas traditions. I mentioned going to my grandfather’s house on Christmas Eve.  I didn’t make it to his house for this event the last year he was alive. It wasn’t for lack of trying.

Christmas Traditions

Our family Christmas traditions have changed over the years. Ever since I was a child, my family would always go to my mother’s parents’ house on Christmas Eve. This tradition continued until my grandfather died.  The last 3 years he was alive, I lived about 4 hours away from my grandfather. My wife and I… Continue reading Christmas Traditions

Iron Man Halloween

The neighborhood where we live gets a lot of trick or treaters during Halloween.  Our family has always enjoyed giving out candy.  When I answer the door I try to interact with the kids.  I’ll make comments about their costumes.  If I recognize the character, I try to ask them about the movie or television… Continue reading Iron Man Halloween

Categorized as Halloween