Black Funeral

Several years ago, a friend and co-worker passed away.  He worked in the same department that I do.  He had been ill and in the hospital for a short period of time previous to his death.  It was still hard on the people in our department.    This is the first time I remember having a… Continue reading Black Funeral

Brush, Trees and Neighbors

My neighbor has several crepe myrtles in his yard that he had cut back to an extreme about 2 weeks ago.  The trimmings from the tree were rather large and some of them ended up in my yard.  I’m an easy going guy and while I didn’t really like it, I didn’t say anything to… Continue reading Brush, Trees and Neighbors

Sick Girls

When my girls were little, they shared a bedroom.  They are four and a half years apart in age.  And the younger of the two was a hypochondriac.  Whenever her big sister was sick, Mary would want the same attention that was given to her sister.  If we took May’s temperature, Mary needed to be… Continue reading Sick Girls

Categorized as Kids

Deaf People

I have never spent much time around deaf people.  While there are plenty of people in my family that are hard of hearing, I have no family members that are deaf.  The people in my family who have the most severe hearing problems have never been so bad off that there was any consideration of… Continue reading Deaf People