Creation Song Writing

Reflections on Creation: Day 3 – Plants

This is the third in a series of seven posts where I share my thoughts about my song Creation and the story in the first chapter of Genesis.

“On the third day God took all the sea
And split it up where the ground would be
And He filled the ground with plants and trees
That reproduce by making seeds
So the third day God made the plants and trees
He made dry ground and He made the seas
And the second day God made the sky
The water split so the firmament’s dry
And the first day God made the heavens and earth
Split the dark and light in the universe
And to mark the time there was morning and evening
And He saw that it was good”

At this point in the story, the earth is still covered with water.  It is gathered into one place so the plants start growing. My daughter asked me how the plants could survive without the sun.  I didn’t think about it at the time but the story tells us that we do have light.  God is the source of the light and the source of life for these plants. 

This is the point in the story where life begins to be present on the earth.  This seems to go well with the scientific evidence of how life began on earth.  Again this is not a scientific explanation of how things happened.  The original audience for this story would not have understood a scientific explanation.  What was important was that it tell that God had a part in the creation.  This is the reason I have the line in my song where I say:

“This story tells God had a plan
And an order before He even started on man”

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