
Moving Mix-up

I like to grill food. I prefer grilling on a charcoal grill.  My go-to grill is a Weber Kettle grill. They are relatively inexpensive but versatile.  One of the features of the Weber Kettle is that it has options for accessories that they refer to as their Gourmet Grilling System.  The heart of this system is the cooking grate that has a removable center where you can insert a variety optional cooking surfaces like, chicken roasting pans, a griddle, and a wok.  One of our family’s favorite inserts is a pizza stone. We set up an assembly line at the grill to make pizzas with a variety of toppings to each person’s taste.

When we moved in 2019, I decided to sell my old Weber Kettle and buy a new one after we were settled. I had the old grill for several years and the lid had fallen or been dropped enough to knock it out of round. Even with my attempts to correct it, the lid would no longer get a good seal. It was time for an upgrade. All the accessories for the old grill would work with what I planned to buy so we packed all of them up for the move, including the pizza stone. As we unpacked, there were several shelves in the new garage dedicated to grilling. All these accessories made it to spots in our new home.  A few months, after the move, we decided that it was time for pizza night, but I couldn’t find the stone. The stone comes with a rack, which was in its spot, but I just couldn’t find the stone. Andrea looked too but we had no luck. We were convinced that the stone was left at the old house even though I had vivid memories of packing it.  We contacted the new owners of our old house, but they didn’t see the stone. We decided that getting a new pizza stone would be the next move.

My wife normally gets me birthday gifts throughout my birth month which is in March. So, she got me a new pizza stone early in March of 2020. After I unwrapped it, I told Andrea that I would put the new rack on the shelf with the old one.  She questioned me about it, wondering what I was doing with the old rack. It turns out, that she thought I couldn’t find the rack when I couldn’t find the stone.  The rack had been in the garage with the other Grilling System accessories while the pizza stone was in the house because it was more fragile.  She knew where the stone was all along, and I knew where the rack was.  The items that each of us thought were lost were not the same item. Fortunately, my son has a similar Weber grill and gave him my new pizza stone. And rack.

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